We love your plants the same way you do!
Thank you for clicking on the QR code! Below are some helpful hints for using Nixall® Tent & Tool Cleaner!
Perfect for everyday cleaning and odor control!
Clean your tent
Cleanliness is the starting point for an excellent harvest. When you can free your mind from worrying about what else is growing in your tent beside your girls, life gets easier. At the start of each grow spray the walls of your tent or grow room. If the tent walls have seen better days, take your time and make sure every inch is touched. Start with the ceiling and spray the walls. Clean the floor or tray liner last. Let the spray lay on the tent surface for a couple of minutes then wipe down with a microfiber cloth or paper towels. If you have heavy grim growing on your tent walls a second application may be needed.
Clean your tent as needed. If you use a SCROG net, spray the net before use. High-humidity environments may need more attention too.
Clean your tools
If you touch your plants with it, CLEAN IT with T&T Cleaner. Scissors, scalpels, LST clips, and pipe cleaners. T & T Cleaner will help ensure that the only thing on your tools is what you want. Also, wipe down your fan housing, ducting and power cords. Do the same with LED lights, and HID housing. When working with your electrical equipment, unplug it and be sure the fan is off too. Clean tabletops, Petri dishes, measuring cups, shot glasses, syringes, brushes, and anything new you brought into the grow room. USE TENT AND TOOL CLEANER on all your tools, even ones not listed.
Great for odor control
We all love the girls, but my girls stink and so do yours! Spray the air in the room and the Stink Zone, the hallway to the grow room.
Other uses
Nixall® TENT AND TOOL Cleaner is a powerful Hypochlorous Acid based product coming in 300 parts per million. This means you may be able to replace or substitute your other HOCl products. Try using it in your DWRC or hydro system. It will help keep your pipes clean.